Trenching Contractor in Raleigh
From connecting pipes from a new well to a home to accessing broken lines quickly, our trenching contractors in Raleigh provide the service you need!
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In addition to well pump repair, our trenching contractor team routinely works with land developers, remodel teams, and other industries to provide excavation and trenching services in both residential and commercial areas.
Trenching Contractor and Excavation Services
While well drilling is necessary to actually install a water well, the surrounding pipe infrastructure requires excavation or trenching - using heavy equipment to dig a long, narrow cavity deep within the ground. In the case of the pipe system that carries water from the well to the home, it's necessary to dig well below the frost line to prevent the pipes from freezing and possibly bursting. In Raleigh and the surrounding area, the frost line is 12 inches below the surface, though most pipes are laid significantly deeper than that.
Along with installing new wells and connecting pipes, our trenching contractors also work on a variety of repairs and projects.
- Access breaks and leaks in the water lines from the well to the home.
- Running water lines to multiple locations from one main source.
- Re-route water service, such as when a new well is dug for an existing property.
- Locating abandoned wells and existing lines.
- Preparing water lines in the foundation prior to new home construction.
We also provide excavation services to the agriculture and farming industry to assist with building irrigation systems as they often require a network of underground pipes extending from an existing well across fields, livestock pens, and into ponds.
Benefits of Trenching
Trench excavation is a necessary part of building an efficient, effective water infrastructure. The well trenching process offers several clear advantages to other pipeline access methods, including:
- Using excavated earth for backfill;
- Ability to create a very localized trench in a short amount of time;
- Minimal disruption to the land and a lower environmental impact;
- Lower
- Trenching equipment and machinery create a narrow space that's naturally suited to installing pipelines.
Whether our well contractors are laying a simple pipeline from the home to a well, a complex network of pipes, or we need to swiftly access a broken line, our contractors use heavy equipment to swiftly dig deep under the surface saves time while creating an even, consistent trench.
Why Choose Us as Your Raleigh Trench Contractor
At A & T Well and Pump, we have a team of experienced, knowledgeable trenching contractors who are dedicated to providing you with a quick, custom, well and water line trenches for your home or construction project. We also strive to minimize the impact our work makes on your property, which is why we can also help assess your soil and terrain in order to meet safety and environmental compliance prior to starting. We ensures that we will work to achieve high-quality standards throughout the process.
Our trenching team has the capacity to take on jobs small to large, offering a clean, safe, and fast trenching job, paired with our competitive prices to keep your project cost-effective. Reach out to us today for a free quote on your next well project.
Contact Us for Well Trenching in Raleigh Today! (919) 980-0981